Please fill out all the details.
First Name*
Last Name*
Position / Company*
Preferred Method of Contact*PhoneEmailIn Person Meeting
Please fill out all details.
Complex Name
Strata Plan
Property Address
Number of Units
Year Built / Estimated Completion
Current Strata Management Status:—Please choose an option—New Development – Project under constructionNew Development – Project under constructionNew Development – Title of first property already changedExisting Corporation
Type Of Strata (please Select All That Apply):Condo BuildingTown HomesBare LandDetached Home StrataSectioned StrataHeritageStrata with TypesResidentialCommercialPhased
Please fill out your details.
If phased, how many phases expected?
What are the key areas you are seeking management service for?
How did you hear about Pemberton Holmes Strata Management?—Please choose an option—Agent ReferralSocial MediaGoogle SearchFriend ReferralOur promotionsOther Sources
Agent Name (if applicable)
Other (if applicable)
Any other information you would like to provide about your property?
D Previous Next E
Council Position / Company
Preferred Method of ContactPhoneEmailIn-Person Meeting
fill out all the details.
Property Address*
Year Built
Please fill out all your details.
Current Strata Management Status:—Please choose an option—Another Strata Management CompanySelf ManagedNew Development
Fiscal Year End
Ideal Commencement Date
Type Of Strata (please Select All That Apply):Condo BuildingTown HomesBare LandDetached Home StrataSectioned StrataHeritageStrata with TypesResidentialCommercial
How many Council Members do you currently have?
Are the majority of Council members living on-site?YesNo
Regular Council Meetings Per Year
AGMs Per Year
Month of AGM
What are you currently dealing with as a strata? (E.g. Bylaw Complaints, Arrears, CRT/Court Case, Deferred Maintenance, Inactive Council, Absentee Owners, Insurance Claims, Contractors Etc)
Any other information you would like to provide about your property
Key To Be Received By (If different from owner)
Key Type (Front Door / Garage Fob )Front DoorGarage Fob
Date of Key Pick-Up
Payment Method:Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD)*ChequeCash
Initials For PAD (if applicable): I/We hereby authorize PEMBERTON HOLMES LTD. to debit my/our account indicated above for the amount of the key with the next applicable strata fee payment
Please fill out your contact information.
Common Property
Limited Common Property
Strata Lot
Please provide details of your maintenance request - what is damaged / requires repairs. (Be as specific as possible) *
Provide Strata Property Bylaws Detailing Repair Responsibility
Please fill out your property information.
Strata Plan/Complex
Please fill out all required information
Incident Type: (Optional):Noise / NuisanceSmoking / FumesPetsParking / StorageUse of PropertyOther
Please provide details of the complaint including dates, times and the nuisance (if any) caused: (Be as specific as possible):
Owner's Name*
Owner's Phone
Tenant Name
Tenant Phone