5 Items That Can Help Increase Closet Storage Space
Doesn’t it feel like space is hard to come by these days? Not just in your closet but in your entire home. In Mumbai, for example, apartment sizes have dropped 45% since 2014. That may seem a somewhat extreme example based on the city’s population of 18.4 million, but...
3 Ways a Commercial Space Can Help Your Business
Running your own business is an exciting prospect. Sure, it can be hectic and even downright chaotic at times — but it’s yours. Whether it’s a passion project or a great business idea (better yet — both), everyone has to start somewhere. That somewhere usually...
Sublets: Understanding the Law in British Columbia
The idea behind sublets is pretty simple. It’s essentially the result of a tenant who temporarily moves out of their rental unit and leases it to a subtenant for a specified period. The temporary aspect of this subleasing agreement is critical. It shouldn’t be...